sábado, 25 de novembro de 2017

The very first post of this motherfucking blog

Hello and be welcome to my humble blog, internet!

I am very excited with this new site and frankly don't know what to put in here but i'll be doing this post to explain everything about it. I'll be very happy to share with you some good and unconventional music in the following weeks.

About me: I'll be posting with a pseudonym called Lasse Stewart because that's one hell of a good name. I started listening to music seriously not long ago, but the whole post metal genre has captivated me a lot, and as it is rather obscure i want to share all this good stuff you may be missing out. Just be sure to buy the records and support the artists you like, because you know, they deserve it a lot. I'll be focusing on the post metal genre for now, but i plan to post some post rock discographies in the future as well.

About the blog: The name "Hera's Envy" comes from a mythological reference to my favorite post metal band, Callisto. In greek mythology, Hera was Zeus's wife, and very jealous of Zeus's lovers. So jealous she gave all of them a horrible ending, and one of them was the nymph Callisto (also the name of my favorite post metal band), who was turned into a terrifying bear by Hera, and later placed in the skies as the Ursa major constellation by Zeus, just before being killed by her son while he was hunting. Her son was also placed in the heavens as the Ursa Minor by Zeus. Enraged, Hera appealed to Tethys to never let the two touch the water, and that's why the constellations never meet the oceans.

I'll be posting a new band every week, saturday night. The discographies will be hosted at 4shared, and please let me know if any of the links are broken.

Lasse Stewart

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